Standard Group of Companies is a specialist at manufacturing process equipment such as Reactors and Agitated Nutsche Filter Dryers (ANFD's). As such Schematic design, manufacture and install bespoke, client specific Barrier Isolator systems to cGMP and cGAMP standards on such equipment where required.
Used for material from the agitate nutsche filter dryers.
For ANFD's we manufacture Rigid barrier isolator systems with either a negative or positive pressurised internal environment depending on the processed media.
Our negative (-ve) ANFD barrier isolators are essential where the process media is hazardous, dangerous or has an unacceptably high toxic level. This also provides a risk-free environment for the operator as potent vapours are taken to the systems filtered exhaust rather towards to operator. This design is the default standard for ANFD applications however if required, our positive (+ve) barrier isolators can be supplied where external contaminants can not be allowed to enter the processed batch substance.
Our Group ANFD designs feature a differential mixing agitator and paddle that moves vertically for a thorough mix performance. The filter drier agitator consists of a series of sharp curved blades that achieves mixing penetration into difficult cakes without undue product stress and can be supplied in a wide range of materials including Hastelloy. Click here to read further about the operational benefits of our turnkey supplied solution.
ISO-8 Environment inside.
MOC SS 316 L/ StanCoat-100/ETFE Coating/ Hastelloy.
Inside area access throughGlove Ports.
SS mirrors to view thecorners and edges.
Washable Pre Filterarrangement.
Full cladding on front side for aesthetic look of the Isolator.
Dried material sample through isolator.
Industry standard OEL hazard categories and descriptions are shown below. Schematic can supply Barrier Isolators to all OEL categories shown.
OEL 1 - Harmful and / or low pharmacological activity
OEL 2 - Harmful and / or moderate pharmacological activity
OEL 3 - Moderately toxic and / or high pharmacological activity
OEL 4 - Toxic and / or very high pharmacological activity
OEL 5 - Extremely toxic and / or extremely high pharmacological activity
Agitated Nutsche filter Dryers (ANFD) is a filtration technique used in applications such as;